Cercone Learning Music Method

A Highly-Organized, Whole Brain, Research-Based and Classroom Tested Piano Curriculum, through the use of Mega Learning, a cutting-edge accelerated learning system that makes learning to play the piano fast, incredibly simple but deeply thorough and far more enjoyable.


School of thoughts

I.  The Note-By-Note conventional system — In the early 1900s, a handful of top composers and self-appointed music gurus decided that all the music that could be written using traditional music rules and theory … had been written. So they decided to invent a new kind of music called “atonal” music that has a completely different structure.  In order to play this music, you have to read the music note-by-note.  Nearly all the chords that previously tied music together (and made it all make simple sense!) were eliminated under this new system.

II.  The Cercone Piano Method was created after more than 40 years of research and classroom testings. This method teaches piano music as a LANGUAGE, the way Mozart, Beethoven or Chopin were taught.


The use of Colors

Color is the electricity of the brain! It connects areas of the brain that are disconnected without color. Color lights up the brain.

According to the Mega Learning, coloring the music helps you learn the song faster and trains the brain to see groupings of chords, the grammatical layout of music and the thinking of the composer.



The Cercone Piano Method teaches college level APPLIED music theory through the use of Mega Learning Techniques. Music is understood as a language.  Songs can easily be learned over 500% faster. Carefully designed methodology opens the door for easy long term memorization. These techniques also create a bridge for improvisation and learning naturally become easier and so much fun.



I play as well as my sister now!

 “My sister took 14 years of lessons in the ‘Note-by-Note’ System. She is very shocked that I can play some music she plays, and she has taken far much longer than I have to get to the same level.” Mary, Denver, CO
I had taken lessons for 9 years & stopped playing for 20 because it was too tedious. I started again with my son and in the Accelerated Workshop it became apparent to me that my years of training only taught me how to play notes but never gave me the tools to understand how to truly “read & play” music.”J.O. Lakewood, CO

I was taking traditional lessons,and had been working on Fur Elise for 1 year and could not play it. I was ready to set it aside thinking that it was too difficult for me to learn. Then I came to Cercone and I learned the complete original version Fur Elise easily in 1 month. Needless to say, my parents and I were most pleasantly surprised and amazed at how differently I look at music and what a difference it made in my playing.


Learn the language of music so that you can speak it through your hands!

– Donna Cercone, Founder, Cercone Learning

Our Goal for our Students

Cercone Piano Method offers a very solid foundation based on the classical. In addition, we aslo branch out into the different styles of music because each person has their own taste. Our goal is to assist each student in developing their own repertoire that they will enjoy playing for a lifetime but building it on a classical foundation.

The Cercone Piano Method is very focused on success! The student feels successful each time they practice as they follow the method.

In the traditional method, student would learn a song and then set it aside to learn another song. When they come back to the previously learned songs, they often would have to relearn the song again as they have forgotten most of them.

Why? It is due to having very little applied theory.  It is known that if we do not use our 12 intelligences, learning becomes tedious and difficult.

Organization is a critical factor for ease of learning. Cercone Piano Curriculum has created Applied Theory books and organized the study of music into 12 Levels to make music learning easy and attainable.

With the use of Mega Learning Techniques and Applied Musical Theory in a very specific way of practicing music, students engage in exponential learning immediately.

How can the Cercone Method fulfill your piano playing Goals?

We have organized the musical study into Levels so that you know where you are and where you are going. You also know at what point you can play certain music.

Level I & II put the foundation in place to support any kind of piano playing goal. It creates a very solid foundation in playing written music.

A student may wish to only play songs. Yet the fastest way to learn to play songs is to learn with the Applied Theory Method.  Otherwise, one is just reading notes and that is comparable to spelling a book.

Music, like any other subject or area of life has its ups and downs.

Cercone Music Curriculum is a highly organized program.  We have Level Sheets that keep track of the progress of the students. This allows our students to see and know their growth. These Level Sheets are a type of “insurance policy” for they make sure that we do not miss anything in the teaching process.

Even some of our students who have dealt with relocation and have been away for some time were able to come back to music lessons remember what they have learned and where they have left off.