Mega Learning
a skillfully designed classroom-tested, corporate arena proven program, using a unique set of tools cc, that will help you to create your personal learning style and activate your 12 Intelligences and Genius Potential.
Why Teachers need this?
A teacher never knows what tools may be needed to assist a student. That is why it is so important for the teacher to have a teaching “Tool Box” that can be reached into when needed.
Why Students need this?
A student may have a focusing problem, dyslexia, coordination, other learning challenges. With the appropriate tools, these are most often overcome and the student can learn.
Mega Learning
With the use of Mega Learning, you get access to your Genius Potential, tap into your 12 intelligences, become aware of your blocks and barriers, know what triggers the protective barriers and learn how to clear blockages. Mega Learning teaches you to be your own personal Brain Mechanic.
“I have recently introduced your Cercone Mega Learning techniques to high school teachers in my class at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. I must say the reaction to a variety of experiments that you have suggested, relative to the use of color with learning disabled students is nothing short of magic!
The results to date are amazing. We will continue to work through your suggested exercises with great enthusiasm. This is truly a wonderful approach for processing and applying new information at accelerated speeds. Congratulations on your ground breaking work.”
Dr. R. Lawrence, President, University of Massachusetts, Boston
This 30 yrs experienced results-driven teacher in every subject is insanely good at teaching us how to study and learn the way we were meant to (exs: while having fun, in a beautiful way) at the pace our mind can digest it. You’ll be beyond impressed if you take her Udemy course, that teaches us how to use both sides of our brain at the same time and all our brain tools at once when we hear, write, & breakdown any topic concept often just once, to remember it for 6 months and usually more. *** Wish learning how to learn like this was required to be offered in most schools and colleges
Jennifer Bolet
Mega Learning
The Brain Mechanic’s Toolbox provides us an understanding of the brain and the tools that are needed to activate and create brain connections. Knowing this process, we can accelerates any learning process.
For instance, you’ll discover the power of color to stimulate learning. The program includes a set of colored gels. By placing certain colors over reading material, you’ll absorb the information faster and far more thoroughly than you ever thought possible. You’ll also discover the mind-opening power of other innovative unconventional tools such as music, sound, and visual surroundings.
You’ll be able to:
- Learn any subject or task in a fraction of the normal time
- Increase test scores by as much as 60%
- Absorb technical manuals, reports, and numerical data in less time and with less effort
- Cut corporate training time in half while increasing retention by up to 80%
- Maximize learning through the effective use of music and sound
- Make learning immediately easier and improve memory using the secrets of color
- Create ideal working and learning environments
- Dramatically boost confidence and self-esteem
- Guarantee your success in the 21st century
- And much more!
What is in the Mega Learning Toolbox?
- Know how the brain works
- Know what and how to make the 12 Intelligences work for us
- Know the use of Color in learning and the many ways of working with it
- Vocal Pacing – a most critical tool in accessing easy learning
- “Pirates” and how to “Captain your Ship.” This is a most powerful technique and very useful in working with children and ourselves
- Tools to learn spelling and vocabulary easily
- Music and how it affects learning
- How to cut your homework time in half and receive better grades
- And Much More
“I do presentation on Trusts. I have taken the Mega Learning concepts and totally reworked my presentation. What used to take me 2 days to teach, now it takes me 4 hours and the people understand completely. This is amazing!” Wilson, Florida
“My husband always had difficulty learning. It was hard for him to read and to remember what he read. We purchased Hearts of Peace CD and the Colored Filters. A couple of months ago, he graduated with a BA and now is looking at continuing his education. He constantly listened to Hearts of Peace music and always worked with the colors while he was studying. It is so great to see him with such confidence.” J. Michael, Colorado
“I began using your techniques when I was in high school and used them all through college and managed to achieve the highest score in my senior seminar class on the final exam. I recently took the Broker’s Exam Class and was at the top of my class and passed the Broker’s Exam the first time.” C. Michas, CO